Coogee Beach Triathlon
30 Mar 2025
All Categories for Coogee 2025 have sold out!
There will be no waitlist or same-day entries
No refunds or transfers available
Fremantle Triathlon Club hosts Coogee Beach Triathlon on 30th March 2025
There are three distances to choose from
Sprint - 750m Swim, 20km Bike and 5k Run
Fun - 300m Swim, 10km Bike and 2.5 Run
Sunsmart Kids Triathlon - 100m Swim, 3km Bike and 1k Run
The course will run the same as the Coogee Beach Triathlon previously hosted by All Bar None. This includes a beautiful swim in the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean, a short jog up the beach to transition before either a 2 or 4 lap bike course on closed roads. The race concludes with a 1 or 2 lap run on the paths around Coogee Beach SLSC.
New to triathlon or want to improve your skills check out the 5-week FTC Beginners Course culminating at this race:
The race counts for double points in the Fremantle Club Champtionships
Cockburn Road & Powell Road, Coogee
The Coogee Beach Triathlon is run alongside the Indian Ocean at one of Western Australia’s most ideal beach locations with the pristine calm water.
Swim sheltered by the offshore Islands, a smooth ride along the closed Cockburn Road, and flattish run on the sheltered coastal path.
The event suits all level of individual abilities and training while providing a challenge with two distances on offer, Fun and Sprint.
Facilities include: a number of BBQ’s, Children’s Playground, Café on the Foreshore, Toilets
All categories will be open to Male and Female competitors in separate gender events.
Age is taken from 31 December 2025
A competitor must be a Minimum Age of 12 on 31 December 2024 for the Fun Course and 14 for the Sprint.
Categories may be combined if less then 5 in a category.
Sprint Triathlon:
14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+, Open
Fun Triathlon
12-13, 14-15,16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+
Sunsmart Kids Triathlon
7-9, 10-12
Sprint triathlon
$81.00: Individual TWA Member
$93.00: Individual Non TWA Member
$105.00: Team
Fun triathlon
$60.00: Individual TWA Member
$65.00: Individual Non TWA Member
Sunsmart kids triathlon
$30.00: Individual TWA Member
$35.00: Individual Non TWA Member
Transition is situated on the grass area on the southern side of the Coogee Beach Café.
The Swim is in the Indian Ocean.
The Fun course swim will start south of the Jetty towards the Coogee Beach SLSC and swims in a straight line towards the Jetty and swim exit.
The Sprint course will start on the western side of the Jetty, head south towards the Coogee Beach SLSC, will turn toward the beach the before hitting the beach, head north towards the Jetty for a rectangular swim.
The Bike is a lap course of 5km on Cockburn Road.
From the Transition Car Park participants turn left into Cockburn Road and head north to the “U” turn at Pantheon Avenue. This is the only uphill part of the course.
Follow Cockburn Road south for 2.5km to the second “U” turn at Mayor Drive.
Return to Powell Road entrance to the finish or continue along Cockburn Road until the required laps are completed.
The run leaves the Transition and follows the Principle Shared Path south to the 1.25km turn before Woodman Point Jetty.
Each lap is 2.5km. The run is entirely on the path parallel to the beach.
Race Numbers and Wave Starts will have been emailed to you in the week of the event.
Transition Opens 5.30am
Registration Opens 5.40am
Registration Closes 6.30am
Transition Closes 6.30am
Event Briefing 6.30am
Event Starts 6.45am
Presentations 9.50am
A short competitor briefing will be held 15 minutes before the start of the event. This briefing will be at the Transition Area with a further briefing at the Swim Start. It will consist of essential last-minute information only.
You need to have thoroughly read the event information and Event Rules prior to the Event Briefing on the day. The Event Program and details contain all the information required to participate and are part of the event briefing.
Medals will only be given out to winners of each category.
General event regulations
All participants are required to complete the Event Registration entry form with accurate and correct information. Incorrect or incomplete information will not be entertained.
An Event Confirmation and Information email will be sent to the registered email address to confirm your race entry and provide final event details. If you did not receive the Race Confirmation and Information email, please contact the Event Management before the event date.
Participants who completed the Event Registration entry form agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of the event.
The Organiser reserves the right to accept or reject any entries without prior notice.
Once the registration is being processed, there will be no refund for those who fail to show up for the event and/or withdraw from it, – event transfers are also not permitted,
The event registration will only be confirmed when full payment of the entry fee is received.
On-the-day event entries will NOT be entertained unless state otherwise.
Any dispute or protest against another participant or any violation in the Event shall be made in writing to the on-day Event Director within 30 minutes of her/his finish time.
The Event Management reserves the right to use any photographs or recordings of the participants for any commercial or advertising purposes without prior notice.
The Event Director / Event Technical Committee decision is final.
To ensure that your event details are correct, please check your particulars upon receipt of the Race Confirmation Email and report the discrepancy from your intended registration to the organisers. Any changes thereafter may be subject to an administration charge.
All participants should pick up their Race Packs on the Event Day. Those who are unable to collect their Race Packs on that day must inform the Organiser in advance.
All participants are required to attend the Event Briefing conducted by the Event Director.
All participants must ensure that their race numbers are clearly visible as required for the event and Timing devices used as directed.
A grace period of 15 minutes after the commencement of the race will be given for latecomers. Anyone who reports later than this grace period will not be allowed to participate in the race. Latecomers should be aware that their timings would have commenced when the race begins.
A participant may be disqualified for the following reason(s):
(a) Refusing to follow the rules and regulations and /or instructions given by the Event Director and/or Race Officials.
(b) Consumption of alcohol, stimulants or any kind of prohibited drugs before or during the race under recognised policies.
Any participants deciding to withdraw from the race should report to the Race Officials.
All bicycles racks will be indicated with signage and / or numbered according to the divisions and / or race numbers of participants.
All participants are required to place their bicycles at the designated bicycle rack/s.
Belongings may be placed at the designated rack area unless and alternative is provided.
Participants must not interfere with another participant’s belongings.
Cycling is not permitted in the Transition Area.
Participants only are allowed in the Transition area – no support crew, friends or spectators are allowed in the Transition Area.
All swimmers must wear the swim caps provided by the Organiser.
All swimmers are required to wear proper swimming attire during the entire swimming course.
Fins, paddles, pool buoys, snorkels or any swimming aids are not allowed without prior permission.
Wetsuits will be allowed in accordance with Triathlon Rules and Regulation regarding water temperature.
Support crews are not allowed. Any assistance received during the swim will result in immediate disqualification (with the exception of medical aid, please contact the organiser to arrange).
No one is permitted in the swim course other than the participants and water safety officials.
Swimmers in difficulty shall signal the safety rescue craft for assistance.
All cyclists must wear a helmet during the entire cycling course. Any cyclist seen riding without a helmet will result in immediate disqualification and removed from the course.
All cyclists must ensure that their helmets are securely fastened before removing their bike from the Transition Bike Racks and only removed after returning their bike to the Transition Bike Racks.
All cyclist must ensure that their race numbers are clearly visible during the cycle leg at all times as required by the event.
Bare torso is not allowed at any point of the ride, a top must be worn on the Cycle Leg
Participant may walk or run with their bicycles on the left-hand side of the road.
Support vehicles and crews are not permitted. Any assistance received during cycling will result in immediate disqualification (with exception of medical aid and assistance by the event organisers in accordance with special event conditions).
All cyclists are to keep to the left side of the road and are reminded to observe traffic rules at all times as required by the event.
All participants will have to perform their own repairs if their bicycles should breakdown.
All participants are required to place their bicycles at the designated bicycle rack.
All participants are encouraged to have their bicycles checked before the race starts.
Bicycles are not permitted to have any powered assistance, this includes electric or petrol motors.
No iPods or similar implements are allowed on the Cycle.
All runners must ensure that their race numbers are clearly visible on the front of their running attires at all times.
Bare torsos are not allowed at all times. A top must be worn on Run leg.
Support vehicles or pacers are not allowed.
No iPods or similar implements are allowed on the Run
Inclement weather
In the event of inclement weather, the Organiser reserves the right to delay the commencement of the race.
Should the inclement weather persist after the delay, the Organiser reserve the right to further delay, modify or postpone the race without any refund of registration fees.
Medical advisory
Triathlon is a physically demanding sport. Therefore, if you are unsure of your physical health condition, please seek medical advice from a medical professional before your register for the race.
Participants are advised against the consumption of alcohol, stimulants or any kind of prohibited drugs before to the event.
Participants are to ensure that they are physically prepared, well-rested and well-hydrated on the race day.
Should a participant feel unwell in the course of the race, he/she should stop and seek immediate medical attention from the on-course ambulance or at the finishing area.
If a participant is deemed to be physically incapable of continuing the race e.g.. severe dehydration, dizziness, fainting; the Race Officials and/or Medical Practitioner has the rights to remove him/her from continuing the race. The Organizer’s decision is final in determining the removal/disqualification of the participant(s).
All information published in this document is subject to change or expiration without notice. Please make regular checks for the latest information and updates.
Email: coogee@ftc.org.au
Sprint swim - 1 x lap (750m)
Sprint bike - 4 x laps (20km)
Sprint run - 2 x laps (5km)
Fun swim - point-to-point (300m)
Fun bike - 2 x laps (10km)
Fun run 1 x lap (2.5km)
Kids swim - point-to-point (100m)
Kids run - 1 lap (1km)
Kids bike - 1 lap (3km)